The Hot Off the Press dumpster run crowd get interrupted by an approaching Anthony. Is Tommy prepared for what he has to say. Better yet, is Anthony prepared for what happens at Tommy's apartment? Meanwhile Rachel tries to make good with Brin, who seems to have problems of her own. Based on the play Two and Two Together by Peter Cosmas Sofronas. Written, Directed, and Produced by Peter Cosmas Sofronas. Starring (in order of appearance) Rachael Rabinovitz as Hayley Gettelman, Dan Murray as Tommy Hanson, Casey Stevenson as KC Sloan, Chris Rose as Anthony Wallace, Adam Heroux as David Sharpe, Jenny Hughes as Brin Matthews, Jenny Fielding as Rachel Hanson. Sound Engineering by Dan Murray. Sound Editing by Peter Cosmas Sofronas. Theme Music by Valerie Forgione. Additional Music performed by Alexandre Abdoulaev. 

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Scripts of Two and Two Together and the first two seasons of Putting 2&2 Together can be purchased at Merchandise available at TeeSpring. Donations can be made at By Me a Coffee. For further information, please visit