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A SMALL CHRONOLOGICAL INTERLUDE: Sneak preview of new characters appearing in Season 3. James has a mission in the middle of the woods at night. Brandishing a shovel and a willow sapling, he and his girlfriend Christine are there to do... something. Will he ever tell her what that something is? Episode based on the play Arbor Day by Peter Cosmas Sofronas. Series based on the play Two and TwoTogether by Peter Cosmas Sofronas. Written, Directed, and Produced by Peter Cosmas Sofronas. Starring (in order of appearance) Jon Vellante as James Rogers and Angela Rossi as Christine Reid. Credits and Narration by Leonard Caplan. Sound Editing by Peter Cosmas Sofronas. Theme Music by Valerie Forgione.

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Scripts of Two and Two Together and the first two seasons of Putting 2&2 Together can be purchased at Merchandise available at TeeSpring. Donations can be made at By Me a Coffee. For further information, please visit