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On Monday, June 24th, friends and supporters of Danilo Lopez gathered at the Charlotte Congregational Church to hear his story and to take action against his deportation. Many spoke about Danilo’s positive impact on the community and his diligence in fighting for human rights for all.

Danilo was a leader in the passing of S.38, a bill that gives migrant workers the right to drivers licenses, and he has continued to be a human rights leader in the community. Although S.38 marks a tremendous victory, migrant workers continue to face struggles with discrimination, dignity at work, unlawful deportations and many other issues. This event brought awareness to the need for immigration policy reform not only in the state of Vermont but in the nation.

The event closed with support from the audience in the form of petition signatures and videos asking that ICE close Danilo’s case and allow him to stay. Many members of Migrant Justice, and friends and supporters of Danilo continue to fight Danilo’s deportation and the deportation of all migrant workers locally and through the national campaign, Not One More.