The Jammerz spent a week board gaming like a bunch of nerds and
Stephen (@thepenta) is especially cocky because it’s one of the first challenges he successfully completed! After bragging about his mastery of Patchwork and attempting to justify his fashion 'hat chances', he puts a listener on blast and aggressively demands a Jamalamz. Megan (@handsomepartybutt) responsibly invites her adult friends over for a night of halloween hummus served in the finest ceramic sunglasses and played a game that is for sure a subversive tool of London’s transportation department, while Wendi (@wendibird82) interprets the challenge as an excuse to get fucked up in a hotel room and play Jenga with degenerates. PLUS, the trio brainstorms in an effort to create a realistic game of ‘Life’ where abortions are handed out and the winner has the least amount of fun! THEN, the girls discover they may be psychically connected through a system of magnets and hidden cameras, and Stephen digs deep to find out exactly what would make him happy. PLUS, how can you find fun ways to implement the word ‘Jenga’ into your daily life? Who would you call in the case of excruciating diarrhea?? Can YOU decipher between a homeless person and Jammer that just needs a shower?!?
You can support JAMMERZ and coax (read: bribe) Stephen to crush more sweet Jamseshes by picking up a JAMALAM shoutout on JAMMERZPOD.COM
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Megan Rice
Instagram: @handsomepartybutt
Wendi Starling
Twitter: @wendistarling
Instagram: @wendibird82
Stephen Penta
Twitter: @thepenta
Instagram: @thepenta
This week's end of episode Jam is The Garden- "All Smiles Over Here :)"
Follow all the Jammerz Jamz on spotify on "Jammerz: The Selfish-Help Playlist"