In the surprisingly terrifying follow up to last week’s ‘Robot Butler’, the girls briefly describe their emotionless process of decluttering their apartments and promptly get to the task of conjuring the insidious motives behind their organizer’s insistence that they remove everything EXCEPT for linens underneath their beds. Stephen (@thepenta) tries his damnedest
to redirect the conversation to organization which only makes the ladies suspicious as to the extent of his involvement with the scheme to get those beach chairs out from under Megan’s bed. Being the professionals they are, Megan (@handsomepartybutt) and Wendi (@wendibird82) are able to play it cool and recount their experiences with getting rid of clothes, deep cleaning outdoor bathrooms before seamlessly turning this episode into the OFFICIAL** Annabelle: Creation podcast (@annabellecreationpodcast).
But don’t worry, the trio discover some pretty interesting connections to organization. For example, if a demon disguises itself as your dead daughter and you let it move into a super creepy doll, maybe just throw that doll away. Don’t stick it in a dank closet covered in ancient bible pages room like a whore-der, get rid of it! The episode culminates with the discovery of the bone-chilling TRUE identity of the ORGAN-izer AND Mr. Stephen Penta. We don't want to spoil it BUT we do want you to stay safe so... QUICK! Press play and THEN shove as much shit under your bed as possible to keep all the chatty-teeth monster guys away!
** Even though we’d totally love to be, this podcast is in no way officially connected with Annabelle: Creation. Warner Bros, please don’t sue us. We couldn’t afford it.
Come see us LIVE!!!
Friday, Sept 15th at 730pm
Philly Comedy Club
16 S 2nd St Philadelphia, PA 19106
(Stephen will be hiding in the back)…cked-podcast
Saturday, Sept 23rd at 730pm
Zinc Bar 82 W 3rd St, NYC

Wake up with Wendi every weekday LIVE on STATIONHEAD!!
Wendi is the host of ‘Morning Sunshine’ a LIVE-streaming, interactive morning radio show on the brand new app STATIONHEAD! The app is legit not open to the public yet, BUT you beautiful JAMMERZ can get in early by downloading the app ( )and using the code: ‘wendistarling’ to launch your own streaming station THEN tune into wendistarling WEEKDAYS from 8am -11am est and text/talk with Wendi LIVE and see if she can make sentences before she’s had her precious coffee.

Hey everybody! It’s Wendi. Thank you for listening and being so supportive. Please feel free to send me any and all feedback for ‘Morning Sunshine’; it’s in the early stages and I want to work out all the kinks before it launches publicly. Thanks again for your help!! xoxo
End of song JAMZ is Danny Brown - Ain't It Funny
and as always you can always find more (including exclusive JAMALAMZ and our smash hit "Quinoa") at JAMMERZPOD.COM