After an emergency meeting of the minds with Sydnee Washington and Marie Faustin (EP: “I’m Through With You”), the trio takes advantage of having Megan in NYC and gets all gussied up in dresses and monocles to go out on a friend date in attempt to salvage the friendship that gave birth to Jammerz in the first place. That’s right, it’s the SECOND Jammerz adventure recorded outside of the comfort of the studio so all the background sounds you hear are REAL: wind, birds, even the aggressively silent indifference of their Uber driver. Oh yeah, they go all out and treat themselves to a car that whisks them away from the studio to a super secret surprise location that Megan and Wendi are pretty sure Stephen will LOVE, but the wind is so horrific that they are forced to stop recording and shuffle into the park in search of protection from the elements.
Lesser podcasters would give up after an immediate (and easily avoidable) failure, but not our fearless three; they are determined to have a successful friend date and HAVE GOOD TIME, DAMMIT. The girls remind themselves that they were friends BEFORE they were podcast superstars and honestly examine the ramifications for exploiting their friendship for ‘likes’ (please stop reading this and follow us on Instagram/Twitter: @jammerzpod thaaaaaankyew). Megan comes to the sobering realization that she prefers 3,000 miles and a screen between her and Wendi THEN she and Stephen compassionately concoct a fool-proof solution for Wendi to not constantly scare away her friends! They also give helpful tips to ensure a successful date of any kind, discuss whether or not people do butt stuff in the park, and stumble upon a romantic murder hut! Friendships are like any other relationship and require work, compassion, communication or, at the very least, copious amounts of booze and french cheese. But can they tolerate each other long enough to destroy their digestive systems with aged dairy, or does this date end with the Jammerz on their phones, unfriending each other in life AND on the internet...???
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