After a crash course in garbage picking and furniture building, the trio reconvenes to show off their hand-crafted, garbage inspired technology accessories.
Megan (@handsomepartybutt) found a way to cut through metal to make her fancy new iPhone holder and Wendi(@wendibird82) tells the harrowing tale of rummaging through the nail salon’s dumpster for the finishing touches on her trash table. They also lay out plans for a multi-purpose trash robot! Everything’s going smoothly until, in a SHOCKING turn of events, this Jamsesh suddenly falls apart. Is it lost beyond repair, or can the trio utilize their newly acquired skills to pick up the shattered pieces of their friendship and ‘reypurpose’ it into a stronger version of its previous self??
We also find out that Stephen (@thepenta) is pretty sure he would crush it working in a sex dungeon AND that both of our lovely ladies prefer getting pissed on to learning a new language. Yes. You read that right. Get ready for another wild ride into the twisted world of Jammerz...
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