After 2 weeks of back-to-back manic jamseshes, the Jammerz are back in full swing with an ACTUAL challenge. Loosen your mouth muscles and get ready to join these 3 idiots on a decidedly less than epic adventure to eavesdrop on their acquaintances and coworkers when they… LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE!!
The trio doles out some legit app recommendations before Wendi (@wendibird82) spills her top-shelf secret for fluency in ANY foreign tongue, while Stephen (@thepenta) waxes poetic about his ideal, terminally ill New York existence. BUT, can they be able to stay on task for an entire week?!? Will one week of cramming even be enough for the crew to fully comprehend exactly what the fck is so mesmerizing about Megan’s (@handsomepartbutt) apron covered crotch?!?
Follow on Instagram & Twitter: @jammerzpod
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Megan Rice
Instagram: @handsomepartybutt
Wendi Starling
Twitter: @wendistarling
Instagram: @wendibird82
Stephen Penta
Twitter: @thepenta
Instagram: @thepenta
This week's end of episode jam is Sensato "Cúlo Cabrón" ... because I will probably never fully grasp spanish hip hop lyrics... but I know that shit is filthy.
Follow all the Jammerz Jamz on spotify on "Jammerz: The Selfish-Help Playlist"