In the heavily anticipated follow up Jamsesh to the (geriatric) action-packed “I Brought Doughnuts”, the trio breaks down the details of their individual attempts to take their fitness to the NEXT. LEVEL. DAWG. Stephen (@thepenta) gets discouraged when, after just a few intense skipping sessions, he is not performing at the level of an Olympic athlete THEN justifies his lack of follow through on a fucking bender!!! ALSO, Megan (@handsomepartybutt) hit an obstacle in Crossfit when her quad muscle locked up mid exercise! Not that she’ll need to worry about the gym after her colonoscopy fast and laxative binge. Yes. You read that right. It’s long been a mystery as to why Megan, a young, healthy’ish woman has a sporadically bleeding anus and locking muscles UNTIL the Jammerz uncover clues that may trace every one of her physical ailments to an old, cum-soaked ankle injury!!
PLUS did Wendi (@wendibird82) verbally assault a massage therapist OR was it just a misguided attempt to save the environment by way of her glorious asshole?!?
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End of episode Jam is Mclusky: To Hell with Good Intentions