After a morning of walks and bread-making, Megan (@handsomepartybutt) and Wendi (@wendibird82) are fired up and throwing out tips on everything from dental health to the best tea pairing for attempted suicide! THEN, inspired by a fundamentalist Mormon society, they lay out detailed plans for the Jammerz compound, establish a live entertainment barter system, and lock Stephen (@thepenta) into an ungodly arrangement. PLUS, the most common places to get fingered against your will, recipe for a classic Mormon snack AND this week’s challenge: Pay for your Porn!

If you want to force this crew to shout you out on the show, answer your questions, or play out your own very specific performance-art masterwork get your very own JAMALAMZ at

Megan Rice

Instagram: @handsomepartybutt

BAKED GOODS! @mistersbakeshop

‘ShOuT yOuR AbOrTiOn!’ get your copy here ~~~>

Wendi Starling

Twitter: @wendistarling

Instagram: @wendibird82


come see this bitch LIVE:


Wendi’s Birthday Show

Friday, January 4th at 730pm

Zinc Bar, NYC

Get tix:


PRICELESS: Stories From The Underbelly ~~~>

submit your stories at: [email protected]

Stephen Penta

Twitter: @thepenta

Instagram: @thepenta

This weeks' end of episode Jam is the blistering 90's irony of the O.C. Supertones "Heaven" Find all the Jammerz music features on our Spotify playlist:

Jammerz official theme music is by our talented friends at