It’s a real circle jerk of a jamsesh as the Jammerz discuss everything from Costco bras to Yogi Bear themed dildos. PLUS, Megan (@handomepartybutt) reviews her brand squirting’ new Womanizer, Stephen takes the pussy plasma vs. pee-pee challenge, and Wendi (@wendibird82) becomes an accidental drug smuggler!

If you want to force this crew to shout you out on the show, answer your questions, or play out your own very specific performance-art masterwork get your very own JAMALAMZ at

Megan Rice

Instagram: @handsomepartybutt

BAKED GOODS! @mistersbakeshop

Wendi Starling

Twitter: @wendistarling

Instagram: @wendibird82


come see this bitch LIVE:


Saturday, December 1st at 730pm

Zinc Bar, NYC

Get tix:


PRICELESS: Stories From The Underbelly ~~~>

submit your stories at: [email protected]

Stephen Penta

Twitter: @thepenta

Instagram: @thepenta

This weeks' end of episode Jam is THE DARTS "My Heart Is A Graveyard" Find all the Jammerz music features on our Spotify playlist:

Jammerz official theme music is by our talented friends at