Hey everyone! As you may have noticed the weekend has come and gone and there's been no new show. Due to some scheduling conflicts and a few person matters that needed attending, we were not able to get together to record the show. Things will be back to normal for the next show, episode 35. -

In the meantime, we have a special announcement to make. About a year ago we uploaded you video to YouTube called "Challenge of the Sprites", of The Challenge for short. The concept being that each week would feature a new classic game with a new challenge to go along with it. After our first game, Batman NES, some things came up and this got pushed to the background. The times come to The Challenge to return. Starting next week new shows will be uploaded on a more regular basis, should be weekly. The second episode (It's been a year but it's still technically the second) will be Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the NES with the challenge of Raphael only. -

We can't wait to share it with you!