Chalk and Rumpo’s most anticipated games coming in 2016.

This week on Push to Talk, Chalk and Rumpo discuss their top 5 most anticipated games coming in 2016, including Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, Detroit: Become Human and Battlefield 5.

Taking a break from our regularly scheduled programming where we whine about all the things that are making us angry in the video game world, we thought we’d put a more positive spin on things this week. It might seem like we’re taking the easy route here, but we genuinely wanted to get excited about games for a change. It’s very easy to become bitter these days, and that’s why we decided to list off our five most anticipated games coming out sometime this year.

For the most part, Chalk and Rumpo agreed on the games that made the list, such as Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, Detroit: Become Human and Battlefield 5 (or whatever it ends up being called). We each brought one of our own games to the table, with Chalk choosing Dreadnaught and Rumpo going with Dishonored 2.

@pushtotalkfm @Epwnaz Torment: Tides of Numenera

— Pam (@Jasyla_) April 28, 2016

Scanner also stopped by with his rant, and although it had nothing to do with our anticipated games, I hear that it is a little bit more positive than what you might expect. This may come as a bit of a shock to most people, but Scanner is an incredibly thoughtful gamer. That fact sometimes gets lost when he’s yelling at you, but remember, you probably deserve it.

While all of our most anticipated games got a bit of talking time, we saved the bulk of our conversation for Battlefield 5, which will be the topic that we cover in-depth next week. That of course brings us to our version of the mailbag, #PushToTalk. What are your thoughts on Battlefield 5? Be sure to let us know via the standard channels – Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and even this very website.

If you want to hear more about Chalk and Rumpo’s most anticipated games of 2016, be sure to actually listen to the episode, not just read this post.

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