We cover the past week of Countdown Cup action and look ahead to NA play-ins. Check it out! #OWL2022

We begin with a brief conversation about our first couple weeks of hands on time with Overwatch 2. We share our experiences with hero balancing and the game's new competitive ranking system, along with our thoughts on the trajectory of the current battle pass. We move on to discuss the past couple weeks of news stories including rumors of a new tank hero coming soon.

We move on to discussing the past week of Overwatch League competition as the final few teams battle for play in tourney seeding. We go over surprising results and epic player performances before moving onto an ABK news story as another sexual harassment/assault lawsuit is filed against the company. We wrap up by discussing our plans for the podcast post OWL season 5 and where things will be headed in the near future.

Episode URL: https://mtb.gg/367

Show Twitter: twitter.com/pushpointpod


Julian Quezada


Chris Lobosco


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