When I first started my business I tried all.the.freakin’.things in order to grow my audience and my income.

Creating content daily? Check.

Hosting webinars (even when I was terrified of being on video and looked like a deer in headlights)? Double check.

Having dozens of freebies in my resource library? Checkity check.

That’s fine, but I’m here to tell you that no strategy will give you the results you’re dreaming of if you haven’t implemented this one thing in your business. So listen up.

Do you know what every successful business has in common? *drumroll, please*

They solve problems.

It really isn’t revolutionary, or ground-breaking, but it is the cornerstone of every single successful business out there. Including yours.

It’s such a foundational strategy and yet many entrepreneurs skip it altogether which leads to not so share-worthy results. Don’t let this be the reason you spend years wondering why your business isn’t growing or questioning whether you’ve got what it takes to be an entrepreneur after all.

Today I want to show you how to get clear on which problem you’re solving for your audience and how to use that information to build a profitable and sustainable business that stands the test of time (and keeps your walls spaghetti-free).

Let's get started!