In the latest episode of Limitless Life™, I’m sharing a #LimitlessCoaching call, where I privately coach an online business owner to help them move through the blocks and thoughts that are keeping them stuck. The beauty of these calls is that YOU get to be a fly on the wall as you listen to someone else’s transformation. I have a feeling it might lead to some of your own breakthroughs and insights, too.

Today, I’m coaching Britney. Britney’s from a small town in Michigan and has taken several of my online business courses to create her fitness coaching company. By the looks of her website, you’d think she was one of the biggest names in her industry -- it’s polished, professional, and has tons of helpful information. In Britney’s words, she told me that she has the “perfect framework for her business.” She knows how to create great content, her systems are in place, and she’s ready for growth. But she realized that her mindset was keeping her stuck and holding her back from the success she knows she’s capable of deep down.

This coaching call is for you if you’ve ever had tons of great ideas, but then procrastinated on taking action.Or if you know that you WANT to play bigger in your life or business, but you’re afraid of what people might say, and you often feel like an imposter.

Get ready to break through, my friend. Your limitless life could be on the other side of this coaching call. Let’s jump in.