Welcome back to Pursuing Pixels.  We've got the whole gang back, this time with a new video setup so Kevin, DJ, & John can look Randall in the eyes—unfortunately, there's a slight dip in audio quality thanks to the new & untested setup, but we'll have things back to normal in a couple of weeks.  That said, there's nothing that will keep us from our weekly videogame gabbing, and we kick things off this week with the re-release of sorts, New Super Lucky's Tale, which we all checked out the demo for.  From there, Kevin keeps the 3D platformer revival going with another new Switch release, A Hat in Time.  Randall's on the retro beat again, looking at another great re-imagining of a forgotten classic, The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors.  DJ looks at a little 'reboot' of his own, with the surprisingly difficult puzzle platformer, Seeders: Puzzle Reboot.  We close things out with Randall & John talking a little more Dragon Quest XI S, now that the two of them are both well on their way towards victory.



New Super Lucky's Tale - 00:01:03

A Hat in Time - 00:10:47

The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors - 00:20:28

Seeders: Puzzle Reboot - 00:29:01

Dragon Quest XI S: Tales of an Elusive Age - 00:38:22

*GOTM - 00:50:35


*For the month of November, we'll be playing Baba is You.  Feel free to play along with us and join in on the discussion at the end of the month!


Thanks for listening.  If you'd like to find us elsewhere on the internet, you can find us at:





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