Courtney Carver believes simplicity is the way back to love. But, her wake-up call was a diagnosis of MS.
Having it, all is the American Dream. Courtney Carver was living proof of how working hard can make that dream of success come true in terms of money, things, and a beautiful home she shared with her new husband. That all came to a screeching halt when she discovered she had MS. 
Courtney was determined to live a vibrant and heartfelt life and not to let her MS control her identity. She was able to find ways to regain control of everything in her life by conquering things one at a time to move away from always feeling busy and stressed, and closer to discovering her true happiness. 
After realizing that time, space, relationships, and health were what mattered most, Courtney begins a complete life redesign. She found ways to add joy into her work life, keep stress to an all-time low, and take care of her body through nurturing.
Project 333 was her incredible experiment with creating the ultimate minimalist wardrobe, to clear her closet, mind, and create confirmation that simply gives you more time for the most cherished things in life. 
She shares her lessons from simplifying life and expanding love in her new book, Soulful Simplicity.

How can people discover more about Courtney and sign up for the #Project 333 challenge? 

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