Previous Episode: 19: Evolving and Shifting
Next Episode: 21: Big Idea Food

In this episode, I chat with Jamesa Adams of Jayne Heir Weddings & Events. She has been one of my business buddies for quite some time now. After building a successful wedding planning business that has served brides and grooms in the luxury DC market, Jamesa decided to change things up a bit and take on more corporate clients.

It can be so scary and intimidating to start something new. Whether you’re just getting around to starting your first business or if you want to do something completely new and different in your existing business!

It takes courage and you’ll need a support system around you of family, friends, and industry peers, but the most important thing to remember is to just get started! So often we get caught up in our own heads, worrying about what could go wrong or what people will think of us if we do this new thing. If you’ve been feeling like you can’t do that thing you’ve been dreaming of doing, Jamesa and I are here to give you permission to go for it!

In this episode you’ll hear all about Jamesa’s journey as a business owner: from starting her business while raising her precious baby boy, to sustaining her business through personal struggles, and then pivoting to offer all-new services.

Things don’t have to be perfect, my friend. But remember to pray and trust, and then dive in and go get it!

For the quick, down-and-dirty details, check out these highlights:

+ 1:12 - Jamesa’s entrepreneurial journey

+ 11:16 - Evolving & expanding your business

+ 15:32 - Challenges that prevent you from moving forward

+ 19:58 - Surrounding yourself with supportive people

+ 23:16 - Making connections with your industry peers

+ 31:19 - Jayne Heir: Business names, brands, and legacies

Purpose to Create Podcast can be found on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, iHeart Radio, and Stitcher. Listen, share, like, comment, and review this episode.


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