What do your calls currently look like? What does your schedule currently look like? If you were to look over the last month of networking calls, Zoom meetups, and “get to know you” follow-ups, what would they look like to you? Truth is, many individuals are bound to their calendars and taking calls they don’t actually want to be taking.


Lesson #14 of what I have learned in entrepreneurship over the years is this: Stop showing up for the “Takers”, your calendar opens us to serve the “Givers”! How many calls and meetups from your calendar actually moved the needle for you and your business? When was the last time you truly connected with someone else over the phone and not because they were trying to sell you something? 


This lesson has been a tough one to learn and one that I have had to learn time after time. Don’t make the same mistakes I’ve made. Stop penciling every hour of every day to calls that don’t serve you or your business. Unless you truly value the relationships you have already cultivated online, it’s not worth it to show up for the “takers”. Instead, use your time wisely for those who give with our expectations on the other end. 

Topics Discussed:

The importance of implementing healthy boundaries in your calendar Creating the space to evaluate the lessons learned in entrepreneurship  Why I’m pursuing the entrepreneurship journey  What happens when we lead with our insecurities & overdeliver our value The dangers in showing your poker face in business Learning to give without expectations and selfish motives


Gain access to resources and/or work with Mark or his marketing team direct visit: www.markcrandall.net





Mark Crandall


“Many people may show up as heart-centered and giving. But when the rubber meets the road, whether you interview them, bring them into your mastermind, or partner with them, they get what they want, and then they’re gone.” “Have these individuals matched the value that you’re giving out? Have they brought you something in return or moved the needle for you in business? It may sound like a selfish evaluation but it’s something that you have to do.” “How do I show up in a way that I bring value but that I don’t overdeliver from a place of seeking to compensate my own insecurities?”  “Everybody, especially those in business and in the online space, wants something. They’re not just building relationships because they want more relationships. Sure, they may want to build relationships but there’s something else that they want to gain from these relationships as well.”