Sometimes trials can lead to our greatest triumphs. What may seem like a holding pattern may just be the road to your success. After weeks of feeling stressed out and pulled into different directions, I have finally found an inner peace that has led to making some powerful decisions in my business. If you feel a huge shift coming to your business and your personal life, then you are not alone.

In today’s episode, I am sharing the best piece of advice that my mentor recently spoke into me that shifted my focus for Purpose Chasers. As I’ve realized the different stipulations I was putting on myself, I had been really stressed and felt stretched thin. COVID-19 has taught us a lot of things but one thing that I’ve really pressed into lately is that this has been a huge blessing for me to go inward and do the necessary groundwork. And I can’t wait to share this new season with you. 


Purpose Chasers, are you ready to level? Because the time is NOW to step into our greatest callings.

Topics Discussed:

Why I feel more distressed & accomplished than I ever have Using COVID-19 as an opportunity to for introspective focus The new season & direction of Purpose Chasers 

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Why should you join? Because I want to watch you achieve your goals and highlight you to the Purpose Chasers ® Community! 


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Embrace Your Past, Win Your Future  -
“The difference between being a victim and playing one” - Mark Crandall