Every human wants to live their life at their maximum potential. However, the resistance comes from the stories that they have created in their heads surrounding the idea of how difficult that will actually be. As a result, they never end up completing their maximum potential because they often talk themselves out of chasing their greatest potential. They know what’s waiting for them on the other side but they never actually reach that point. 


However, this week, I am shutting down the false narrative that you can’t chase after your maximum potential. Through your consistent actions, there are rewards waiting on the other side for you. It’s time you stop creating stories in your mind around the idea that you can’t have what it is that you are set to do. Life isn’t always easy but there is always a way through the difficult times. Once we are able to see opportunity through adversity, then we are able to tap into our greatest potential.


Topics Discussed:

- Dealing with the resistance of difficulty

- Committing to the journey of disproving the stories in our minds

- How I went from getting no bookings for speaking gigs to turning down multiple speaking gigs

- Destroying the false narrative that you can’t chase after your calling

Connect with Mark Crandall

Join the exclusive Purpose Chasers ® Facebook group for unreleased content, interviews, live coaching, not to mention the epic community supporting, encouraging, and challenging each other to fulfill their dreams. 


Why should you join? Because I want to watch you achieve your goals and highlight you to the Purpose Chasers ® Community! 


Connect on Social 

- Website: https://markcrandall.net

- Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/thepurposechasers

- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepurposechasers/


Embrace Your Past, Win Your Future  -
“The difference between being a victim and playing one” - Mark Crandall 
