What if you didn’t have to live a life that someone else chose for you? Don’t like your current career choices? Aren’t happy with where you’re currently at in life? The truth is, you have the complete power to decide right this very moment how the trajectory of the rest of your life is going to look like. While we all have the power of choice, many individuals only want someone else to make their decisions for them. 


This week, I am sharing the incredible power of choice and why we are capable of saying no. Let’s face it, not every opportunity is a great opportunity. Sometimes we have to say no to things that aren’t in our best interest. However, many of us get stuck in a routine that we feel like we have to make decisions in order to make other people happy. But what if I told you that you can, in fact, take back ownership over your life right this very moment? How would you choose to live the rest of your life?


Topics Discussed:

Why people make the wrong decisions in their life How to take ownership over your own life choices Why you shouldn’t give people the opportunity to choose for you The power in saying no to things that don’t serve you



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Join the exclusive Purpose Chasers ® Facebook group for unreleased content, interviews, live coaching, not to mention the epic community supporting, encouraging, and challenging each other to fulfill their dreams. 


Why should you join? Because I want to watch you achieve your goals and highlight you to the Purpose Chasers ® Community! 


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Website: https://markcrandall.net Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/thepurposechasers Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepurposechasers/


Embrace Your Past, Win Your Future  -
“The difference between being a victim and playing one” - Mark Crandall 
