Have you ever wanted to level up in your business or in your relationships? Are there areas where you could be putting in more work to get the results you’ve always dreamed of? What is stopping you from getting out of your own way?

Our guest this week, best selling author of Miracle Morning, Hal Elrod shares with us how he was able to take back ownership of his life after multiple near death experiences. Hal teaches us that by implementing daily changes in our lives, we give ourselves the tools to create the life we want to live. 

Topics Discussed:

How to connect and add value to other people’s lives Understanding the responsibility you have over your own life How to show up and create your own miracles Implementing Level 10 changes to reach the Level 10 success in your life

Connect with Hal Elrod

Website: www.HalElrod.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yopalhal/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hal_elrod/


Connect with Mark Crandall

Join the exclusive Purpose Chasers ® Facebook group for unreleased content, interviews, live coaching, not to mention the epic community supporting, encouraging, and challenging each other to fulfill their dreams. 


Why should you join? Because I want to watch you achieve your goals and highlight you to the Purpose Chasers ® Community! 

Connect with Mark Crandall

Website: https://markcrandall.net Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/thepurposechasers Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepurposechasers/
