In 2020, I went inward. In a pursuit to tap into my deer calling, I paused Purpose Chasers®, put my head down, and went all in on doing the inner work. With the growing rise of Covid-19, I removed the pressure and noise from my life, both online and offline, to limit the negative space around me and fulfill what I had been called to do. In a span of fewer than two years, I’ve gained incredible insight, made strong relationships, scaled businesses, and, the best part, my second son was born. 


This week marks the first solo episode I’ve recorded since July of 2020. Back in 2020, I shared my gratitude with the Purpose Chasers® community and all the lessons I learned along the way. Now, I’m going all in helping individuals grow and scale their companies with no end in sight. By putting the systems in place, growing the right team, and tracking your metrics, it has never been a better time to scale out of your company and take back your most precious asset: time. 


Topics Discussed:

Why you need to spend more time and energy growing an effective team Putting all of your energy into growing one thing vs. a bunch of little things Tracking your metrics to jumpstart your scalability  The many benefits of shutting out the noise, pressing pause, & going inward


Ready to stop working for your business and have your business start working for you? To gain access to resources I've created for you and learn how to work with me and my marketing team to grow and scale your business, visit


Throwback to the last solo episode of Purpose Chasers® 

Ep. 90: COVID-19 and Removing the Pressure and Noise  




“So many individuals think that spending more money is the only way to make more money, but that's not been my experience.” “With the amount of energy I had spread across the board on all of the things I was working on, what would happen if I had just put all that energy into one thing?” “I can scale your company from 1 million to 10 million with a google document and a CRM. It blows people's minds. People believe you need Slack, Builder Trend, this trinket, and that add-on. No, you don't. You need a google document to track the jobs you have going and track the flow. And you need the CRM to set up all the automation and all communication coming in from customers.” “When you build businesses that can operate without you, there is no limit to the scalability of those ventures.” “It's hard to get an owner or operator of a business to release their grip on their company. But when they build the necessary systems, they can free up their time and work on growing the business vs. working in the business.”