What do you want to create in life? If you could pick one thing to do for the rest of your life, what would it be? Who would you like to become? 


This week, I am talking with Nat Bruno about the two main lessons I’ve learned from him since the start of my entrepreneurial journey nearly six years ago. Nat has since guided me down the entrepreneurial path by sharing incredible resources and insight from his own experiences. And I want to do the same for you. 


Your dreams of traveling the world with your significant other or ensuring a spot at your child’s championship game while your business runs itself don’t have to be in vain. If you could do, create, or become anything in this world, what would it be, and what do you have to change to make them happen? What is preventing you from living the life of your dreams and achieving your biggest goals?


Topics Discussed:

Why your number ONE business consultant is Google Understanding that cashflow is KING in business The greatest misconceptions behind entrepreneurship How to analyze your limiting beliefs and let go of fear


Ready to stop working for your business and have your business start working for you? To gain access to resources I've created for you and learn how to work with me and my marketing team to grow and scale your business, visit www.markcrandall.net




Mark Crandall


“You don't have anything if you don't have cash flow." "There's always a way through in business." “Anything and everything is possible. Six years ago, I never would have thought I'd have multiple multi-million companies that I'd scale myself out of and be helping other entrepreneurs scale out of their own businesses.”

Nat Bruno

"Focus on one thing and say no to everything else. Make "no" your default answer." "Put all of your energy and all of your focus into one thing starting out."