Do you love and respect yourself enough to stand up and celebrate what you have accomplished?
And if so, do you love and respect yourself enough to be OK and even enjoy the seasons where you are not productive?
There are seasons of life and we cycle through them whether we like it or not.
There are seasons of hustle, action, productivity and creative output and then seasons of introspection, hermitting and incubation.
There are seasons of wins and successes and there are seasons of failure and difficult learnings.
All seasons are equally important and necessary in the support of its counterpart. And YET..... we tend to value some over the others. We shy away from the darker seasons, afraid to fully surrender to them.
To love yourself wholly, is to love yourself during all of the seasons through the cycles you live.
Our next Aromanosis Workshop is all about Self Love and how your unique connection. Head to for more information

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