"In order to change the world, we must first change the conversation around grief and make it normal..." - Victoria Volk (Grief Recovery Method Specialist)

We have all experienced grief and most of us carry it with us through life, continually adding to our load, too afraid to face and process the pain.

Today's guest is Victoria Volk and she teaches us that, "Grief is anything we wish were different, better or more and is the loss of hope, dreams and expectations."

In other words, we are all adding to our "grief load" on a fairly regular basis and if we don't learn to process it, then our burden will significantly impact our lives.

I begin this episode with a description of essential oils we can use for supporting grief, including the blends Trauma Life, Aroma Life, Release and Acceptance.

You can find Victoria at:
Victoria's book is, "The Guided Heart" and you can find it at https://www.amazon.com.au/Guided-Heart-Through-Finding-Spiritual-ebook/dp/B075MZ2CCF

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