What would your days be like if no-one were watching you? What would you do with your time? Who would you be? What would you dare think about?

Our ego loves an audience, so when we take the audience out of the equation we are left with only with ourselves…. Our deepest heart’s desires and who we truly are when you peel away all the layers. 

There used to be a part of me afraid that if I didn’t have an audience I would do nothing at all…. And if that’s the truth then what kind of person did it make me? I spent a lot of time trying to convince myself that there is no way I would turn into a lazy slob (my biggest fear) but no amount of “Michelle you care too much to do nothing” placated the part asking the question.

Then one day the thought popped into my mind…. Why do I think it is NOT OK to do nothing? Could the opposite be true? Could doing nothing truly be OK?

If no-one is watching, then why do I care if I am lazy? If no-one is watching then if I eat chocolate all day long in just my underwear no-one can judge.

And if I don’t care about the judgement of others then what is my reason for judging myself so harshly?.... Or even at all?

Eventually, I sat up and realised….. Like I actually sat up when I realised this (I thought it was important you knew that!)... If no-one is watching then I have full permission to be whoever I want to be.

It took failure for me to understand this freedom. In episode 29 of Purpose Balance & Burnout I tell my story of how it evolved.

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