Towards the end of 2018 I finally consciously acknowledged that I was in a state of mental, physical and emotional burnout. I didn't state it publicly at the time. To be honest I was a little embarrassed. I was struggling with the fact that I was someone who prided themselves with my ability to eat well, exercise, run 2 businesses, take care of 3 kids etc etc. And I had positive thinking down to a fine art.... Which turned out to be half the problem. You see, I was so good at making myself think I was OK, that I didn't realise how much I was suffering internally. And when I finally acknowledged it, I had no idea just how long and painful the journey to health and happiness would be. 

I started this podcast in April of 2019, approximately 6 months after recognising the trouble I was in. Fast forward another 9 months and the learnings have been dramatic. I wanted to share them with you today, in the hope they help you to better connect and feel the joy life has to offer. 

Please reach out to me on social media @happymemichelle or email [email protected] if you would like to continue this conversation. xx

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