As technology continues to redefine industries and jobs, IBM is a beacon of progress, driven by a purpose to be a catalyst that makes the world work better. Through flagship initiatives like the SkillsBuild program, IBM is arming both internal and external workers with the tools and knowledge necessary to thrive in today's economy. By fostering opportunities for upskilling and reskilling, IBM not only bolsters individual employability but also empowers individuals to pursue career paths previously out of reach.

Justina Nixon-Saintil is one example of the transformative power of continuous learning. Initially an engineer and then an educator, Justina today serves as IBM's Vice President and Chief Impact Officer — so she knows a thing or two about reskilling and adaptation. We invited Justina to share how IBM is setting a standard for corporate responsibility through employee volunteering, skills development, and the Sustainability Accelerator, which has been heralded as a blueprint for corporate responsibility.

Listen for insights on:

Activating employee volunteers through their skills and passionsAdvancing in or getting started with your sustainability careerCreating an infrastructure that evaluates the internal and external ethical use of AI

Resources + Links:

Justina Nixon-Saintil’s LinkedInIBM is skilling 30 million people globally by 2030IBM SkillsBuildIBM Sustainability Accelerator
(00:00) - Welcome to Purpose 360
(00:13) - IBM's Justina Nixon-Saintil
(02:23) - Justina’s Background
(05:37) - Engineer to CIO
(08:25) - Insights with Gap Time
(10:36) - IBM’s Purpose Statement
(11:46) - Volunteerism
(13:57) - SkillsBuild
(18:11) - IBM Sustainability Accelerator
(26:12) - Impact Measurement
(27:25) - Future of AI for Social Impact
(31:03) - Suggestions for Careers in Social Impact
(33:21) - Recommendations
(34:41) - Last Word
(36:04) - Wrap Up