I mean, what more is there to say about TCU's 51-45 win over Michigan in the Fiesta Bowl?

Turns out: There's a bunch! Parker and Grant discuss

-- Vibes, which is mostly just us laughing for 10 minutes

-- Plays of the game

-- A massive and complete shoutout to the entire TCU defense

-- Many jokes about the Joe Moore Award

-- Parker describes the plot of a Pat Conroy novel

-- All the expected stat breakdowns, and why this game was 100% not a fluke

Follow Grant on Twitter @grantmcgalliard and Parker @statsowar. We will be back sometime this week for a preview of the Georgia Bulldogs (the team TCU is playing in the national gosh-darn championship game). 

Be sure and go read all the great coverage of the Fiesta Bowl on FrogsToday.com. Go Frogs, and Happy New Year!