Matt Dixon presents his annual gift-guide episode, a diverse list of ideas for holiday gifts all anchored in performance. Every one of these ideas is delivered after personal experience with Matt and the Purple Patch team, and we think they'll provide some inspiration for you and that favorite fitness enthusiast on your list.

This holiday season, the best gifts are personal—and there’s nothing more personal than the gift of good health, so let's get into it!

Inside Tracker - The Ultimate Plan

Whether your loved one runs, bikes, hikes, plays sports, or simply wants to improve their wellness, InsideTracker is the most personalized way to make sure their body stays in it for the long haul. 

This Black Friday, save $200 on InsideTracker’s Ultimate Plan—the most comprehensive way to get personalized insight into their body’s wellbeing. Purple Patch podcast listeners also get a free InnerAge Assessment.

InsideTracker’s personalized nutrition and performance system provides the most detailed analysis of their biomarker data from blood, DNA, lifestyle, and fitness tracking. InsideTracker gives them the power to live a healthier, longer life through concrete, personalized action plans consisting of proven, science-backed recommendations. 

So starting November 24th, head to to save $200 on InsideTracker’s Ultimate Plan and get a free InnerAge — or use code PURPLEPATCHGIFT at checkout - to give the gift of personalized health.

The Rested Child: Why Your Tired, Wired, or Irritable Child May Have a Sleep Disorder--and How to Help

A simply wonderful book, and a worthwhile read if you are a parent -- or plan to be one. The lack of sleep and poor sleep quality is incredibly damaging for child performance and development, and neurologist and friend of Purple Patch, Dr. Chris Winter, has created a wonderfully accessible guide in his new book.

FatMap - Discover, Plant, Track and Share Your Outdoor Adventures

A wonderful GPS mapping app that never gets you lost and allows amazing review and other mapping features. Plus, it seamlessly syncs to Garmin, Strava, and other training platforms.

New Wave Swim Buoy

Top-notch visibility and safety for open water swimming.

Purple Patch Swim Analysis 

This in-depth remote swim coaching process will identify the inefficiencies in your stroke and find their unique root causes. You’ll also get direct guidance on specific actions to address those inefficiencies to improve your swim performance.

The Purple Patch swim analysis experience is different from other online swim analysis services. Here, you will receive direct, actionable feedback in four distinct areas critical to improving your swim. This feedback is targeted to your specific underlying inefficiencies and areas for improvement and gives you actionable feedback that’s easy to implement.

Salomon Sense Pro 5 Running Vest

Matt's favorite running vest tested on the rugged trails of Oregon and Montana with quick and easy access to storage and hydration.

Outbound Lights for Your Bike 

Opens up visibility on the trails with smooth falloff all around the bike to aid peripheral vision (the beam should fall off, not the biker).

Purple Patch Training Camp

YOU asked and we are ramping up our 2022 camps. Hawaii, Napa, South Carolina, Marin, East Coast or St. George, Utah - 2022 is full of very special training and education escapes for all levels. If you would like to gift for a camp you have two options:

Head to the CAMP PAGE and choose the best camp option, or, ideally, reach out to us for a credit of the athletes' choice. We will send you a lovely digital gift card with a code for your performance-minded friend or family member to apply to a camp that fits your desire and schedule. Email us at [email protected] or visit the CAMP PAGE.

Annual Purple Patch Squad Membership

Give the ultimate gift of performance! You can make a one-time up-front payment that will help a special one excel in their sporting endeavor. Reach out for details, but you will be sending your bestie on a performance journey! Education, a community of like-minded athletes, full video coaching, and a program that integrated into life. Email us at [email protected] or visit the SQUAD page on the website for details. 

Additional Purple Patch Resources:

Learn more about Purple Patch Fully Customized 1:1 Coaching

Learn more about Purple Patch Squad High-Performance Training Program

Learn More about Purple Patch Strength Programming

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