Download Episode Twenty-Four ( 128Kbps MP3 - Length 10:53 - File size 10.0 MB) ( To download: PC Peoples use Right-click + Save [ Target | Link ] As... / Mac Peoples use Alt-Click ) 64Kbps MP3 (smaller than 128Kbps MP3 but lower audio quality) & Ogg Vorbis format (please check your player for compatibility) audio files available on Internet Archive Shownotes: In this episode, Purl Diving discovers what happens when the Universe smacks you upside the head with the Christmas Knitting Crazy Stick. Yes, I had to inflict the parody song on you Again This Year. What good is a holiday if you can't trot out all the Olde Chestnuts? Oh, okay, the Maine Mittens can be found by visiting the page for Clara Parkes's book, The Knitter's Review of Yarn. (Scroll down for the link to the .pdf) (I don't yet have a copy of Clara's book, but I've thumbed through it at the local yarn shop, and I think any knitter would be happy to find a copy of this under the tree.) Audio: Water/wave sample under intro created by pushtobreak from The Freesound Project Musical top recording by NoiseCollector from The Freesound Project Music featured in this episode: "Santa Will Find You" by Mindy Smith (from the Podsafe Music Network —

Download Episode Twenty-Four ( 128Kbps MP3 - Length 10:53 - File size 10.0 MB)

( To download: PC Peoples use Right-click + Save [ Target | Link ] As... / Mac Peoples use Alt-Click )

64Kbps MP3 (smaller than 128Kbps MP3 but lower audio quality) & Ogg Vorbis format (please check your player for compatibility) audio files available on Internet Archive


In this episode, Purl Diving discovers what happens when the Universe smacks you upside the head with the Christmas Knitting Crazy Stick.

Yes, I had to inflict the parody song on you Again This Year.  What good is a holiday if you can't trot out all the Olde Chestnuts?

Oh, okay, the Maine Mittens can be found by visiting the page for Clara Parkes's book,  The Knitter's Review of Yarn. (Scroll down for the link to the .pdf)

(I don't yet have a copy of Clara's book, but I've thumbed through it at the local yarn shop, and I think any knitter would be happy to find a copy of this under the tree.)


Water/wave sample under intro created by pushtobreak  from The Freesound Project

Musical top recording by NoiseCollector from The Freesound Project

Music featured in this episode:

"Santa Will Find You" by Mindy Smith (from the Podsafe Music Network —