Download Episode Seventeen ( 128Kbps MP3 - Length 7:53 - File size 7.23 MB) ( To download: PC Peoples use Right-click + Save [ Target | Link ] As... / Mac Peoples use Alt-Click ) 64Kbps MP3 (smaller than 128Kbps MP3 but lower audio quality) & Ogg Vorbis format (please check your player for compatibility) audio files available on Internet Archive Shownotes: Mama Purl goes to the Winter 2007/2008 TNNA Trade show, and shares some thoughts on knitting and the seasons. Turn, turn, turn... And for those of you who work on the Fahrenheit scale, a "30+ degree Celsius heatwave" translates to 86+ degrees... Listen to the episode to find out more. The Dyana Afghan Women's Fund is a Canadian charitable organization founded by Nelofer Pazira, an Afghan-Canadian journalist, writer and film-maker. DAWF provides assistance to local groups that provide education and training to Afghan women. DAWF has been my charity of choice for a couple of years now, as I truly believe that the most powerful change that can happen in a community is to make sure that women have the means and skills to look after themselves and their families. I am proud that the small bit of talent I have (in coming up with something as trivial as a t-shirt design) will go to help benefit someone and provide them with the means to learn how to support and better themselves. And if you are interested in learning more about Nelofer Pazira's experiences in Afghanistan, you might want to read her most excellent book, A Bed of Red Flowers (Toronto: Random House, 2005) Audio: Sound samples used in this episode: Water/wave sample under intro created by pushtobreak from The Freesound Project Winter wind sample layered with synthesized sounds created by pushtobreak from The Freesound Project Music featured in this episode: "California Dreaming" by The Mamas and The Papas, recorded at the Monterey International Pop Festival; courtesy Podsafe Music Network

Download Episode Seventeen ( 128Kbps MP3 - Length 7:53 - File size 7.23 MB)

( To download: PC Peoples use Right-click + Save [ Target | Link ] As... / Mac Peoples use Alt-Click )

64Kbps MP3 (smaller than 128Kbps MP3 but lower audio quality) & Ogg Vorbis format (please check your player for compatibility) audio files available on Internet Archive


Mama Purl goes to the Winter 2007/2008 TNNA Trade show, and shares some thoughts on knitting and the seasons.  Turn, turn, turn...

And for those of you who work on the Fahrenheit scale, a "30+ degree Celsius heatwave" translates to 86+ degrees... Listen to the episode to find out more.

The Dyana Afghan Women's Fund is a Canadian charitable organization founded by Nelofer Pazira, an Afghan-Canadian journalist, writer and film-maker.  DAWF provides assistance to local groups that provide education and training to Afghan women.

DAWF has been my charity of choice for a couple of years now, as I truly believe that the most powerful change that can happen in a community is to make sure that women have the means and skills to look after themselves and their families.  I am proud that the small bit of talent I have (in coming up with something as trivial as a t-shirt design) will go to help benefit someone and provide them with the means to learn how to support and better themselves.

And if you are interested in learning more about Nelofer Pazira's experiences in Afghanistan, you might want to read her most excellent book, A Bed of Red Flowers (Toronto:  Random House, 2005)


Sound samples used in this episode:

Water/wave sample under intro created by pushtobreak  from The Freesound Project

Winter wind sample layered with synthesized sounds created by pushtobreak  from The Freesound Project

Music featured in this episode:

"California Dreaming" by The Mamas and The Papas, recorded at the Monterey International Pop Festival; courtesy Podsafe Music Network