Download Episode One (128Kbps MP3 - Length 6:49 - File size 6.6 MB) ( To download: PC Peoples use Right-click + Save Link As... / Mac Peoples use Alt-Click ) Ogg Vorbis format audio file & 64Kbps MP3 available on Internet Archive Audio Water/wave sample under intro created by pushtobreak from The Freesound Project "Minor Song" by Anup courtesy of Magnatune

Download Episode One (128Kbps MP3 - Length 6:49 - File size 6.6 MB)

( To download: PC Peoples use Right-click + Save Link As... / Mac Peoples use Alt-Click )

Ogg Vorbis format audio file & 64Kbps MP3 available on Internet Archive


Water/wave sample under intro created by pushtobreak  from The Freesound Project

"Minor Song" by Anup courtesy of Magnatune