Download Episode Nineteen ( 128Kbps MP3 - Length 10:39 - File size 9.8 MB) ( To download: PC Peoples use Right-click + Save [ Target | Link ] As... / Mac Peoples use Alt-Click ) 64Kbps MP3 (smaller than 128Kbps MP3 but lower audio quality) & Ogg Vorbis format (please check your player for compatibility) audio files available on Internet Archive Shownotes: "Once upon a time, in a large forest, there lived an old woman and three maidens. They were all three beautiful, but the youngest was the fairest. Their hut was quite hidden by the trees, and none saw their beauty but the sun by day, the moon by night, and the eyes of the stars. The old woman kept the girls hard at work, from morning till night, spinning gold flax into yarn, and when one distaff was empty another was given them, so they had no rest. The thread had to be fine and even, and when done was locked up in a secret chamber by the old woman, who twice or thrice very summer went a journey. Before she went she gave out work for each day of her absence, and always returned in the night, so that the girls never saw what she brought back with her, neither would she tell them whence the gold flax came, nor what it was to be used for." from "The Water-Lily. The Gold Spinners" from The Blue Fairy Book, edited by Andrew Lang, whose damned Fairy Books probably started it all. Spinnin' wheel, got to go round... Talkin' 'bout my troubles, it's a cryin' sin. Audio: Water/wave sample under intro created by pushtobreak from The Freesound Project Magical Spinning Wheel sound assembled from samples at The Freesound Project: Bike wheel recorded by melack Wheel Music created by jbum Music featured in this episode: "Lady of the Silver Wheel" by Damh the Bard (from the Podsafe Music Network)

Download Episode Nineteen ( 128Kbps MP3 - Length 10:39 - File size 9.8 MB)

( To download: PC Peoples use Right-click + Save [ Target | Link ] As... / Mac Peoples use Alt-Click )

64Kbps MP3 (smaller than 128Kbps MP3 but lower audio quality) & Ogg Vorbis format (please check your player for compatibility) audio files available on Internet Archive


"Once upon a time, in a large forest, there lived an old woman and three maidens.  They were all three beautiful, but the youngest was the fairest.  Their hut was quite hidden by the trees, and none saw their beauty but the sun by day, the moon by night, and the eyes of the stars.  The old woman kept the girls hard at work, from morning till night, spinning gold flax into yarn, and when one distaff was empty another was given them, so they had no rest.  The thread had to be fine and even, and when done was locked up in a secret chamber by the old woman, who twice or thrice very summer went a journey.  Before she went she gave out work for each day of her absence, and always returned in the night, so that the girls never saw what she brought back with her, neither would she tell them whence the gold flax came, nor what it was to be used for."

from "The Water-Lily.  The Gold Spinners" from The Blue Fairy Book, edited by Andrew Lang, whose damned Fairy Books probably started it all.

Spinnin' wheel, got to go round...  Talkin' 'bout my troubles, it's a cryin' sin.


Water/wave sample under intro created by pushtobreak  from The Freesound Project

Magical Spinning Wheel sound assembled from samples at The Freesound Project:

Bike wheel recorded by melack

Wheel Music created by jbum

Music featured in this episode:

"Lady of the Silver Wheel" by Damh the Bard (from the Podsafe Music Network)