Grand Rapids has had a vibe for some time and has become a prime Midwest destination in spite of not having a major sports team. This week’s guest is chief experience officer of Experience Grand Rapids, Doug Small and is the promoter in chief of this gem of a city. Doug shares his thoughts on how team building and thinking differently has built Grand Rapids to the destination it is today. Doug also shares a personal story that was a life changing event that provides a valuable lesson to all of us.


“A Collaborative pioneering smart.” (4:01)

"Attitude, character and enthusiasm.” (8:05)

"We’re willing to do differently.” (18:30)


(4:21) Handsome growth.
(5:35) Stay true to brand pillars.
(13:51) The responsibility of a leader to listen.

Tip of the Week

Listen to your body. Don't ignore subtle persistent pain. It could be a signal of a bigger problem.