Have heard about “Shifting Left”? Well – get prepared to hear that Shift-Left is not the only solution to building a high quality products. Finn Lorbeer ( http://www.lor.beer/ ) is a Product Quality Specialist working for Thoughtworks. In a recent presentation given at Quest4Quality ( http://questforquality.eu/speakers/finn-lorbeer/ ) in Dublin he explained how being a quality engineer is no longer about being seen as a quality gate (and sometimes bottleneck) in the deliver cycle. Finn is sharing his experience from a recent project with a large German automobile company where he helped transform the development teams to shift-left on quality but not only for the software they develop and test, but also for the type of features they implemented and how they see quality as a whole in their end-to-end delivery cycle. Interesting lessons learned on how to speed up delivery, increase quality and make everyone part of the game!