What is Cloud Foundry? And why does Alois Mayr (@mayralois) say that Cloud Foundry is the most opinionated PaaS Platform in the world? Listen to this 101 show to get a good overview of what Cloud Foundry (CF) is, how it started and what offerings are available right now. Also learn what the main use cases are for CF Cloud Operators as well as for Developers that use the platform to push their applications and services.

If you want to learn more or see Alois in action make sure to watch his Full Stack Monitoring on Cloud Foundry PurePerformance Clinic. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsQHtdeizXQ&index=65&list=PLqt2rd0eew1bmDn54E2_M2uvbhm_WxY_6&t=1237s )