Brad and Cort are back to break down Team Black Badge's latest misadventure in this week's all-new episode, "Gonna Getcha Good." Things are still pretty weird when it comes to all things Waverly. Our girl is losing time. Meaning our Waverly is still somewhere in there. Along with whatever decided to hitch a ride in the finale when Wynonna's baby sis touched that black good. Despite dealing with her own issues, Nicole has noticed the change in Waverly and given Wynonna a heads up.

Hit play and listen in as Brad and Cort discuss Agent Dolls interesting return to Purgatory. What did you think of Doc's plan to save their old friend and is Perry boyfriend material for Wynonna or nah? The dark figures from last week make another appearance in this episode. Before they seemed to be stalking Wynonna's steps and this time around they grabbed her Mercedes Tucker. She's definitely dead or do you agree with Cort. Listen in and then hit the comments to let us know what you thought of ep 2x03, "Gonna Getcha Good".