First, let's celebrate the amazing news that the show has been renewed for a third season. Bring on more badass Wynonna, clever Waverly, sassy Doc, way more WayHaught, and hulked-out Dolls. We're so here for it. Especially after this fantastically timey-wimey episode.

Listen in as Brad and Cort breakdown the highlights from "No Future in the Past" and that awesome return for our favorite revenant, Bobo. Who knew he was such a good dude in his previous life? Also, how cool was that party that Rosita put together for her lover's babymomma? Too bad that Wynonna's only other female friend in Purgatory is currently possessed. Hit play and then drop a comment below to let us know what you thought of this week's all-new episode 2x08, "No Future in the Past." What did you think of the revelations regarding the curse and Mama Earp?