Welcome back, Helsingers! Axel and Phil are on the hunt for Max and his hostages, Jennifer and Owen. Max likely wishes that he hadn’t taken one or both of them by episodes end. Sure he wanted to use them to help pay the “toll”. Real gross practice, Max. 

Hit Play and listen in as Brad and Cort discuss Ep 4x06, "Miles and Miles”. What is up with little Owen? Do all kids born during the Vampire Apocalypse born with that same bloodlust and survival skills? Jennifer seemed more wary of what Owen might do than Max. How gross was that whole bleeder set up? Do you think this will be the last we see of Phil and his family? A little happily ever after in a desolate world? What name will Axel come up for his new wheels? What did you think of that reveal about Max’s origins and his ability to heal? Is this bad warden gone for good?

Give us a listen and then be sure to drop a comment or in our Facebook group with your thoughts on the episode. You can also send us an email at [email protected]. This week's episode, "Miles and Miles" was written by Jackie May. The episode was expertly directed by Kimani Ray Smith.