Welcome back, Helsingers! Okay, let's shout this one out loudly for those in the back to hear us well. Sam is not a good partner for hide-and-seek! If wants you to be his new bff, then play it off well until you can get gone. Or at least stall long enough for our favorite Van Helsing berserker to show up. Got it? Good. What an episode. We're still not all right after last week's finale and clearly, neither is Vanessa. Our titular heroine has spent the past week taking out her grief and rage on every single vampire that she and Julius can track down. They encounter an interesting new breed of bloodsuckers and run into a new group. Friends or foe? Vanessa doesn't let her guard down easily.

Listen in as Brad and Cort break down this week's all-new episode, "A Home". Were you as freaked out as we were by Sam's idea of fun and games? Poor Felix. Which would you rather encounter in this world? Skinners or Sam looking for a new hide-and-seek partner? What did you think of the episode? After you hit play, be sure to drop a comment over in our Van Helsing Facebook Group or find us on Twitter.