This week's Star Wars Theory Series is talking about the hot news of the week: The name of Episode VIII! Now that fans know the title, The Last Jedi, the web began circling with theories. Liz Prugh, co-founder of Pure Fandom, is joined by her co-host Pat Pochop, as well as two guests hosts, Marty Pochop and Eric Prugh.

In this podcast, we break down the following theories:

-Is Luke "The Last Jedi"? Or, is Rey "The Last Jedi"?
-Is "The Last Jedi" someone completely new that we haven't met before?
-The Samurai feel: Mark Hamill has said this has a "Samurai" feel to it. We break down what that means.
-How Rey could possibly go to The Dark Side — and why.
-Does "The Last Jedi" mean the last of the community in general?
-Maybe Luke visited this planet for a reason — was it a Jedi Temple from the Old Republic?
-Old Republic vibes: Fans, we may get the history we've been waiting for. -Will Darth Plagueis finally tie into the story?
And more!

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