Welcome back, Kandorians. Krypton has finally returned after leaving us on that wild cliffhanger from the season one finale. Tonight's premiere, "Light-Years From Home" drops us into a much-changed Kandor. General Dru-Zod has been busy in the months since Seg trapped himself and Brainiac in the Phantom Zone. Lyta has fallen in line with her son. Oh, how this character has changed from where she first started out last season. Hit play and listen in as Brad and Cort break down Ep 2x01, "Light-Years From Home".  First, were you as pumped as Brad to see our new favorite character, Lobo? We recorded before today, but how awesome is the news that Syfy is developing a Lobo-centric Krypton spin-off? Besides, meeting the badass bounty hunter, this episode puts Seg through it. Those Phantom Zone visions are no joke. Then he ends up on a road trip with the most unlikely of partners. How cool was it to see him reunited with Adam? Meanwhile, Seg's grandfather, Val-El is back in the flesh and helping Jax-Ur lead the resistance? Do they have what it takes to succeed against Dru-Zod and Lyta? Is Lyta somehow playing the long game and acting as some kind of double agent for the resistance? Or has Seg's love gone over to the dark side?Give us a listen and then be sure to drop a comment or in our Facebook group with your thoughts on Ep 2x01 “Light-Years From Home". You can also email us at [email protected]