This episode contains: Devon in the Ben chair, mocking Ben, YouTube, self-driving cars, types of cars, cost of cars, Ben joins the show!, disgruntled podcaster, not a bit, last ep not fun, Ben talks about the passing of his grandfather, Ben’s grandfather was a joker, cremation, Ben was born with blue balls, talking with grandma, Ben’s personality influences, 6 year old pouring drinks, sexing up a couch, blue jays, rattlesnake story, world feels a little darker, one last “snort,” snake eating, email from Thomas, PayPal donation, #Benbusy, play for donations, heavy episodes, westerns, Leviathan Wakes, Thanks for Glistening, pop culture, Clint was stuck in the middle, inner circle wanting to podcast, a teaching opportunity, cost of being on the network, cost of Devon’s time, crushing debt, ITT Tech, The Rev’s Big Damn Band, Ben’s altercation with a drunk guy, Raiders T-shirt, Ben knows how to talk to drunk people, Halloween costumes, Walking Dead spoilers, Steven and Martine’s trip to Phoenix, morning whisky, diversity, Bitter & Twisted, plugs.