You may (or may not) have noticed that we didn't release an episode last week. As the Black Lives Matter movement approached critical mass, spurring a surge of protests against police brutality across the United States and worldwide, it didn't feel right to be occupying space that instead could have been dedicated to listening to and amplifying Black voices.

Pressing on with a project like this seems pretty redundant at the best of times; but especially so at the moment. The last thing anyone needs right now - if at all - is two more comfortable white voices waxing lyrical about a predominately white music establishment. This is especially the case for this week's episode, and for so many past and future episodes, where the music and artists we talk about have so heavily appropriated and profited from Black culture.

For what it's worth, we will continue to use our platform to call out these examples of systemic racism when we see them. We will listen, learn, and contribute what we can to the fight for an anti-racist future. We aren't in this for the money, so we don't have any reason to urge you to stick around; but for those of you who listen to Punk Goes Pod for a bit of levity each week, we hope we can continue to serve that purpose in your life.

Black Lives Matter.


'AUS/US DONATIONS AND ANTI- RACISM RESOURCES', compiled by Jade Diaz (@ nearvously on Twitter/Instagram):

'Supporting BLM from home', compiled by Mia Adelaide Allen:

'Support First Nations Australians #BLM', compiled by Kira Puru (@ kirapuru on Twitter/Instagram):

'Ways to Help', compiled by Nico (@ dehyedration on Twitter):