Welcome to episode 99 of the podcast; a shorter, more concise episode this time out. Why? because your time is valuable and we care and it was definitely not because we were a little wiped out by time we recorded this week, because there's no reason to be wiped out trying to make a living and raise a family and live life. Nope.

Anyway, we have a Terraforming Mars session report along with an in-depth discussion on Haspelknecht. And some first impressions of A Feast for Odin to boot. All in about 90 minutes. You're welcome.


04:15 -- T-Shirts?
09:35 -- Terraforming Mars: The Revenge! (session report)
21:40 -- A Feast for Odin (a Drool for Eric (1st impressions))
37:03 -- Atlanta
41:17 -- Haspelknecht (in-depth)