Are you a "curious omnivore?" In this episode of Punch Out With Katie and Kerry, we talk with storytelling expert and Common Sku Chief Content Officer Bobby Lehew about why he's game to try any kind weird, exotic food, what poetry he cannot live without, and why he had to hide some of his favorite books when he was at school. 

In this episode we learned:

Bobby’s favorite cuisines, and why he calls himself a "curious omnivore" How food is really a journey Why he attended a boys' juvenile detention school as a kid How he built his personal library, and which books he cannot live without

Want to know more about Bobby? You can find him at:



This episode of Punch Out With Katie and Kerry is sponsored by Trust Insights.

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Punch Out With Katie and Kerry (#PunchOut) is the show that dives deeper into topics you care about. We don't ask the questions everyone else does. We get to the real insights (and the weird hobbies, the guilty pleasures, the secret side hustles...the good stuff)! We find out what really makes your favorite people tick. Punch out with Katie and Kerry!

Have a cool hobby or side interest you want to talk about on the show? Let us know:
Email: [email protected]
Hosts: Kerry O’Shea Gorgone (@KerryGorgone) & Katie Robbert (@katierobbert)

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